Sweet Platter Ideas

  • Fresh pineapple chunks
  • Kiwifruit halved
  • Large strawberries.  For something different cut large strawberries in half horizontally and spread with low fat cream cheese and replace the top half, or cut in half and place a small slice of Brie or Camembert on the bottom half and replace the top half.
  • Chocolate dipped strawberries – you only need to dip the tip!
  • Fresh berries with a bowl of lite Greek honey yoghurt to spoon over
  • Fruit kebabs, bright and colourful, they need only be small with a few chunks of fruit
  • Chunks/slices of melon
  • Raw almonds or other nuts
  • Chocolate coated almonds (as long as they get shared!!)
  • Marshmallows
  • Weight Watchers frozen chocolate éclairs, cut in half
  • Pam’s frozen mini chocolate éclairs in white or dark chocolate – they are just a small mouthful
  • Pieces of dark chocolate broken up


Read my savoury platter ideas here