Case Studies

Auckland nutritionist, Lynda Smith has been working one on one with clients since early 2003 and in that time has helped over 2000 clients achieve goals they never thought possible, whether it be fat loss, mass gain, healthy weight maintenance, or help with health and lifestyle issues. Below there are specific case studies and testimonials from Lynda's clients.

Menopause doesn't have to mean weight gain

Maree, aged 49, blamed menopause and an office job as her reason for not being able to lose her excess kilos.

"It was starting to get me down a lot, with my 50th only 12 months away and a time in my life when I wanted to be looking and feeling good about myself. I was thinking it could be impossible to get back to the weight I was when I turned 40."

With Lynda's help and professional guidance Maree was able to shed over 8 kilos in 4 months.

"I still can't believe it, I was so convinced that menopause and a sit down office job were to blame for my weight gain and the reason why I was struggling to lose it.  Not only have I lost the extra weight but I also have a lot more energy, I need less sleep now and a few of the old joint pains have disappeared as well. By choosing the right food types, with the right portion sizes and some regular exercise, I no longer believe that menopause and a sit down office job has to mean difficulty losing weight."

Exercise, sports nutrition and muscle gain

Cole is a water skier who wanted to optimise his performance for competing in the World Championships. He is also a full-time University student, works 30 hours a week during term time and full-time during the holidays – and fits training 5-6 days per week around this.

When Cole came to see Lynda, his goal was to lose 6kgs by the time competition day came. But with such a demanding schedule, he was struggling to find the energy needed to cope with the stresses of work, study and training in order to perform at his best.
Through a healthy diet tailored to suit the demands of his lifestyle and training, Cole dropped 6.7kgs, increased his energy levels and even found he no longer needed his asthma inhaler

“I would never have been able to keep up with my incredibly demanding schedule if I hadn’t got on board with better nutrition.”

Fat loss, with long-term results

Like many overweight people, Bronwyn had high blood pressure, and when she was told by her doctor to double her blood pressure medication, she knew it was time to make some permanent changes.

Bronwyn had tried diets before, without having success. But through Lynda’s nutrition plan, she finally found a long-term solution that fitted in with her life and family.

Despite facing setbacks and challenges along the way, with the on-going support and guidance from Lynda, Bronwyn was able to drop 18kgs over 6 months and achieved her ultimate goal by halving her blood pressure medication.

“You have no idea how much this means to me and I can’t thank you enough for the encouragement and guidance.”

Healthy weight gain and weight management

Felicity was in her 70’s, living on her own and had recently undergone surgery. Her ill-health and lack of energy had caused her to lose interest in cooking, lose weight and subsequently, to lose interest in life in general. Lynda’s aim was to help Felicity regain weight through eating the right foods with simple and healthy meal options which were easy to prepare on her own.

Felicity was initially resistant to change, but by showing her some easy ideas and recipes, she gradually regained healthy weight – and her zest for life.

“Through your help and advice I never faulted in my aim to put some weight on and today I struck gold – I reached 50.2kgs!…Many thanks for helping me to find her energy and enjoy life again”.

Pregnancy nutrition

Sarah came to see Lynda pre-conception to learn about an optimum diet to support a healthy pregnancy. She lost 3kgs of fat as planned prior to becoming pregnant and continued to see Lynda throughout her pregnancy to ensure a healthy diet for her and her baby. Sarah’s goal was not to avoid gaining excess fat, but to have a healthy pregnancy and ensure her baby was receiving the best nutritional benefits possible.

Sarah remained well during her pregnancy and gained only a healthy amount of weight. Six weeks after her baby was born, Sarah visited Lynda again to ensure she was eating the right foods – and eating enough – whilst breastfeeding.

“I was very apprehensive about getting fat while I was pregnant but with Lynda’s advice I didn’t gain excess fat and loved the healthy food I was eating.”

Read Lynda's pre-conception guidelines here

Post pregnancy fat loss

“Are you looking for a healthy way to lose those post pregnancy kilos? Lynda will work with you to come up with a nutrition plan, taking into account whether or not you are breastfeeding. The goal is to lose weight safely while giving you energy to cope with your new baby. Tina was delighted with the way Lynda helped her lose her post pregnancy weight.”

“After having my second baby I wanted to be healthy for my children and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight so I started seeing Lynda who worked out a nutrition plan for me. It was much easier than I thought. Because I was breastfeeding I could consume a lot more calories and I felt like I was eating all the time, I was never hungry!

After only a few days on my new eating plan I couldn’t believe how good I felt and how much energy I suddenly had to play with the kids, even on the hot summer days! Results were fast and I haven’t felt this good in a long time.

Thank you Lynda!”
- Tina

Specific health issues

Tricia came to Lynda complaining of pain and gut issues. She had already consulted other professionals for answers, without finding success. Her health issues were affecting her day-to-day enjoyment of life. So, fed up with putting up with the symptoms, she came to Lynda for a solution.

After a consultation and a specific plan from Lynda, Tricia was finally relieved of the debilitating pains she had experienced for so long.

“After being correctly diagnosed and given the right advice as to what foods to eat, I can now report that the bloated tummy is no more and the pain is almost 100% gone”.

Weight management through email consultations

Tiff was a former client of Lynda’s who had previously successfully lost 15kgs. However, after moving to Australia, having a baby and falling back in to bad habits, she was back to where she started – plus a few more kilos.

Via online/email consultations, Lynda created goal sheets, a food plan and had weekly reviews of Tiff’s food and exercise diary to keep her on track. Lynda is only ever an email away for support and through her continued guidance, Tiff has lost over 18kg to date – and best of all, she looks and feels great.

“Lynda understands all the pitfalls and emotions that you can have when you are overweight… It makes all the difference when you have someone supporting you every step of the way.”

Online consultations make a healthy diet accessible to anyone – all you need is a tape measure, reliable scales and access to a computer to make contact with a nutritionist who will help guide you to your goal.

Do you want Lynda to help you with your specific goals?