Is there some more going on, beyond calories in, calories out, when it comes to weight loss? Is there more to losing fat than just eating less and exercising more? There can be……… read on.
Keeping well over Winter
This year has to have been one of the worst I can recall for people going down with various ‘bugs’. Tummy bugs and nasty colds seem to be spreading like wildfire through workplaces, schools and families.
Nutrition panel reading
Just a warning to be aware that when reading nutrition panels on food products you need to check the serving size and how many servings there are per pack.
Attitude – have you got what it takes?
When it comes to losing weight and forming a healthy lifestyle, attitude is key to success. Over the past 12 years I have seen close to 3000 clients and I can tell you that the right attitude is crucial for ongoing success.
Carbrite bars
I have 9 flavours of Carbrite bars in stock generally and these are great high protein, low sugar, very yummy bars!
Appetite and fullness
Not many people like feeling hungry and it can be enough to throw you off track if you have that gnawing hunger feeling. Many times though hunger can be as a result of things you can control better.
Porridge is an excellent breakfast option - here's how to jazz it up
I know porridge isn’t exactly an exciting breakfast but it is an excellent one. If you pick up a packet of rolled oats and compare the ingredients to just about any other cereal you will see a startling difference. Rolled oats contain just – rolled oats. Nothing else. They are also the cheapest cereal you can buy at around $2 for 750g of rolled oats.
Beware Easter Bunny!
We certainly don’t need any reminder that Easter is only a couple of weeks away when we are in the supermarket. Every week the display of Easter goodies increases, from crème and marshmallow eggs in all flavours, to Easter bunnies, hollow eggs, egg + treat sized bar packs; not to mention the various varieties of Hot X Buns. You name it, it is there!
Sick of salads?
The best way to lose fat is to increase the amount of fibrous veggies you consume, to eat a lean source of protein with your meals and to modify the carbohydrate content of the meal.
If weight loss is your goal - avoid these morning habits
Have you ever thought about the fact that the choices you make in the first hour or two of your day can affect your success when it comes to weight loss? If losing weight is your goal, then avoid these common morning habits.
Obesity in New Zealand
We are constantly being bombarded with statistics showing the increasing number of people who are overweight or obese in New Zealand. We are told that 1 in 3 New Zealand adults are classified as obese. Obese means having a BMI of 30 or over.
Tips to avoid weight gain over the festive season
A lot of clients are telling me that they would be happy to just not gain weight over Christmas. If this is your goal then you do still need to stay focused, because with all the extra outings and special food around there is a lot of temptation coming your way. Read on for some great tips to help you minimise weight gain over the next few weeks.
Belly fat, a potential ticking time bomb when it comes to health.
While we don't like the look of fat around the abdomen, it is a more serious issue than that. The fat we carry around our middles is also known as 'toxic waist'. Most of the excess energy from our diets is stored as fat; basically if we eat it and don't burn it off through a combination of our metabolism and exercise, then we store it.
Can you spot reduce, or target fat loss from various parts of the body?
I am often asked how to lose fat from a particular area of the body or clients will tell me how they should be losing fat from, say, their stomach because they do 100 sit ups a day...
Fatty liver
According to a study presented to the International Liver Congress, overweight women who drink alcohol are three times more likely to develop fatty liver disease.