Tips for staying well over Winter


Stress from worry and illness can lower our immune system at the best of times, but there are some things you can do to help yourself.

Effective hand hygiene. Washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds, rinsing them well and then drying them properly is the best form of hand hygiene. If you can’t get to soap and water, then use a hand sanitiser.

Regular, moderate exercise helps stimulate your immune system. A brisk walk, on your own or not in close contact with others, is any easy way to be active. There are also many online programmes that you can use at home which don’t require any equipment.

Regular, quality sleep is also important for immune strength. Go to bed a little earlier if you need to and prioritise getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can also deplete your immune system. Lack of sleep can also add to tiredness which then leads to making poor quality decisions around food and alcohol.

I realise that getting restful sleep right now is often not guaranteed, but try to wind down before you go to bed by not reading the depressing news updates and get off your screen a couple of hours before bed. Read an uplifting book!

Nutrition wise, ensure you have enough quality protein throughout the day, plus fresh or frozen veggies to boost your own antioxidant and anti-inflammatory defence systems. Protein is vitally involved in your immune system.

Suggestions to have on hand for protein are:

  • Tinned tuna/salmon/sardines.

  • Frozen chickens which can then be cooked and used in soup, stir fries, or added to ratatouille, salads, etc.

  • Cottage cheese if unopened will keep until the expiry date. Use within a few days of opening.

  • Haloumi cheese keeps well in the fridge.

  • Eggs. Poached, scrambled, omelettes, fritattas, hard boiled – so many ways to use eggs and they will also keep for a few weeks in the fridge.

  • Keep nuts and seeds in the fridge or freezer for healthy snacks.

  • A block of cheese keeps well, it can also be frozen for use later.

  • Milk powder or UHT milk.

Keep away from processed, low nutrient food and avoid excess alcohol.

Unfortunately, in stressful times we tend to comfort ourselves with the above which only adds to the inflammation and stress our bodies are experiencing. Keep a supply of healthy food in the house and minimise access to less healthful food.

Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc are important nutrients for our immune system, you may want to supplement with some of these.


The Corona Virus

Ministry of Health guidelines and information is updated daily. To keep up with the latest, qualified, advice go here. Refresh your browser each day for up to date information.

If you are unwell and have any concerns call Healthline on
0800 358 5453.