Get Back on Track Special - 6-week programme for ex clients


This is for you if:

  • you want to find your oomph and get back into good eating and lifestyle habits over a 6 week period

  • you want maximum results in minimum time, with weekly follow ups

  • I have seen you within the last 3 years (longer than that we probably need to adjust the first session)

  • you can commit to coming weekly for 6 weeks

  • you can come on either Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursdays between 9am and 5pm. Not available on Saturdays

What does it cover?

  • 1 x 45 minute appointment to set goals, measure body composition and write a nutrition plan

  • 5 x 15 minute weekly follow up appointments

The cost?

Just $199 for the 6 appointments. This must be paid at the first appointment and any missed appointments without notice will be forfeited.

Are you up for it?

Offer open from 26 March until 22 April

Email me now and let’s do it!

Posted on March 24, 2019 .