Is it time for a re-set?

Is it time for a mind and body reset?

Thank goodness July is over! It always feels like it is the worst month of the year for keeping a positive attitude towards heathy living and to not over indulge.

What seems like the never ending rain and dreary days of winter are enough to drag down the most positive of people and there just doesn’t seem to have been much in the way of good news for some time now.

So, now that it is August and the days are lengthening again, it is time to have a mind and body re-set. Time to feel in control again and to focus on what you want to achieve over the next few months.

nutrition for life - what are you prepared to do differently to get what you want?

Let's make a start by getting back to basics and putting some simple steps in place.

Firstly, you need to decide:

  1. What is your goal?

  2. Why do you want to achieve it?

  3. What do you need to do to achieve it?

  4. What timeframe do you want to achieve it in?


  • When are you going to start?

  • What is the first step you need to take?

  • What are you prepared to do to make it happen?

That last statement really says it all. What are you prepared to do differently to get what you want?

Everyday is a fresh start - Nutrition for Life

Attitude is everything

I have seen a few thousand clients over the past couple of decades and really the only difference between achievers and the not so successful people is generally attitude. Successful people look for ways to make something happen. Instead of seeing barriers, they look for ways around the perceived barriers. If they have slip ups with their food and/or exercise, they take it on the chin and just move on and they don’t let it affect what happens the next day.

Winter is a tough time to hang on to good intentions, but now is a great time to re-set your goals, to re-set your attitude and to put plans in place to reach your healthy mind and body goals.

Want some help? Contact me now and let’s make a start!

Please Note: With my only working a few mornings a week now, please book ahead to secure your appointment.

Posted on August 2, 2022 .