Is lockdown making you eat your feelings?


Ho hum, yes, here we are again. Definitely not ideal and sadly it didn’t have to happen, but, it has so we need to just get on with life as best we can.

I normally write my newsletters on Mondays, but we ended up with two Mondays in a row being holidays, then we had a lockdown Monday the week before and now, once again I feel in limbo and writer’s cramp has crept in! So this is just a brief kind of keeping in touch note.

I know from previous lockdowns just how many clients found the living in limbo situation very challenging. The not knowing creates anxiety and uncertainty and often that leads to using food and alcohol for temporary relief.

Unfortunately, yes, the relief is short lived and the consequences of going off the rails makes for more anxiety as the kilos creep on.

What can you do?

  • Keep out of the kitchen when you don’t need to be in it! I realise this may be easier said than done if you are trying to cope with having children at home who would normally be at school or childcare. But, consider making their snacks and all your lunches first thing in the morning and putting them in the fridge. That helps to ensure you are eating the ‘right thing’ and that your time spent in the kitchen with access to other food is minimised.

  • If you drink teas and coffees, try to drink rather than nibble. When you lose your routine, it’s too easy to snack rather than make a drink and get out of the kitchen.

  • Routine is everything. When you are at work, you most likely eat at certain times, aim to do that at home as much as possible.

  • In many cases you will have more time to exercise – can you fit in a walk before breakfast in what would have been your travel time? Can you whip out for a 30 minute brisk walk sometime during the day? Getting out and away from your computer helps release stress and energise you.

  • Limit your alcohol. Give yourself a maximum (and for women whose goal is fat loss, one bottle of wine per week is a good maximum), and stick to it. Replace the casual glass or two of wine in the evening with sparkling water most nights and then really look forward to and enjoy your wine over a couple of nights only.

  • Limit how many treats are available in the house. Who are you buying them for, really? If they aren’t there, you can’t eat them!


Jon came to see me last year after having had a heart attack and knowing that he needed to form a healthy lifestyle and drop some weight. He is 69 and a lovely, giving man who does a lot of volunteer work. This is the review he placed on my FB page.

"After having a Heart Attack on Father’s Day last year I went to see Lynda as I needed to change my life around, and one of these objectives was to eat healthy and lose weight. I was then 94 Kilos.

With Lynda’s help and guidance I am pleased to have reached my goal weight of just under 80 kilos. I can’t say it has been easy, but it has worked. It has cost me a set of new clothes, but I feel so much better."

I just love seeing clients thrive and improve their physical and mental health by adopting simple changes to their diet and lifestyle. Good job Jon!



Watermelon and Feta Salad

While watermelons are in good supply you might want to try this refreshing salad on my website. You can adjust the ingredients to suit.

Think about using any down time to search for new ideas for recipes. You can find lots of recipes here.

Can I help you with accountability during lockdowns?

I’m really conscious of the effect that missing appointments and the accountability that goes with them can have. Hopefully, we will be back to Level 2 next week which means that I can see clients again. But it does jam my diary up considerably, especially with Saturday appointments which always have a waiting list.

So, in the meantime if anyone would like accountability appointments via phone, email, Skype or Zoom, we can do that! If you would like more information just drop me an email.

Hang in there, we can do this!

Posted on March 2, 2021 .