What are you willing to change to get the result you want?

Whether your goal is healthy weight loss, having more energy, being fitter or just working towards a healthier lifestyle in general, it is more than likely that you will need to make some changes to your current diet and lifestyle.

The size of these changes will vary, depending on where you are starting from, but the goal is to make several small changes so that you achieve a different result.

Every now and then I will have a new client come in who, really, isn’t prepared to make any changes. They want to basically keep doing what they are doing, but to obtain a different result. 

There is no magic.

If you want to be leaner, fitter and healthier, then most likely you will need to be open to modifying some of the habits that are unhelpful and which are keeping you in a place where you aren’t happy now.

While some clients might be resistant to making changes, others find it easy. Same lifestyle suggestions, same food options, so why do some people embrace change and others find it difficult? What can the difference be between the two? Most likely it is attitude and being in the right head space and open to putting new habits in place. If you think something will be hard to do, then it will be.

It does require effort to make changes and to form new habits, but for people who are ready, this effort isn’t perceived as hardship, but rather as just adapting to a different lifestyle and a lifestyle that they enjoy. Most of the time.

Liking the life (and nutrition) you are living while losing weight is key to keeping it off, but I totally get that liking the life you are living looks different to different people. That’s where customising clients’ plans and lifestyle suggestions to meet the least resistance is important to both me and the client.

I consider this time of the year to be the toughest to hang in there and to not let the shorter, darker days send you astray with your food and exercise. The wet weather of late has made outdoor exercise a bit hit and miss, but remember, what goes in your mouth is 80% of the fat loss equation, so don’t let the fact that you missed a few exercise sessions send you off track with food. If anything, it becomes even more important to watch what you eat.

Be careful that portion sizes don’t creep and keep treats out of the house if you know they are going to be an issue. 

Keep in mind that whatever we prioritise we will make time for. I hear so many times every week“I don’t have time for: exercise / meal planning / meal preparation / grocery shopping” or – this is intriguing, “I don’t have time to drink water!”  Well all of these things are important tools for fat loss, so make time management a priority.

If you need help to get on the right track, please contact me, I'm happy to help.

Food Diary App

If you are someone who has good intentions to keep a food diary, but you are often away from your food diary when you are eating, then you might like the free app See How You Eat. You can photograph your meals and snacks (and treats and bits in-between!) and then write them up into your diary anytime within the next seven days.


Is there anything to help with sugar cravings?

My friend, Naturopath Alison Bramley, has written a little piece on sugar cravings and what may help.

Sugar cravings can be a real barrier to success when trying to lose weight. However there are a number of herbs and nutrients that can assist your body in balancing sugar levels and helping to reduce your craving for sweet things.

For example gymnema is known to suppress the ability to taste sweet on the tongue.  As with all supplements and herbal remedies caution is needed with certain medication.

For more information about helping to reduce sugar cravings contact one of their naturopaths and herbalists at Simply Great Health on 09 444 4527 or email info@simplygreathealth.co.nz. 





Posted on June 27, 2016 .